
Tech Note: jQuery 1.6 Installed, All Systems Go

Targetpractice5/03/2011 10:40:08 pm PDT

re: #691 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Obviously a Democrat would never have picked military action, so the only possible answer is that he was forced to do so.

They’re going into the ‘12 election painting the man as “weak” on foreign policy, unable to make the hard decisions, and so are latching onto the belief that he was avoiding the call to capture/kill OBL until the decision was taken out of his hands. In addition to the “mutiny” meme that Geller’s pushing, the other one is that part of the info released by Wikileaks last week was our knowing who OBL’s courier was. And that the release forced Obama’s hand, forcing the mission for fear that OBL would figure out his location was known and bolt.