
Sekrit Counter-Jihad Summit Held

Walter L. Newton5/24/2009 8:22:45 pm PDT

re: #677 Charles

Exactly. I have a serious aversion to people who try to bullshit me.

Charles, on a side note. Thank you for you support the other night with the Teacake incident. Of course, I didn’t ask you to block her, and you did what you did on your own, but at the same time, I don’t feel especially bad about it.

I got an email from a Lizard right as I was going to bed that night about her initial post, and I wasn’t going to get into it at that time. But I kept waking up all night wondering what the big frackas was, and when I did see it in the morning, I couldn’t believe what I was reading.

I’ve go as far back as running modem based bulletin boards in the 80’s, so I know how much work it is to maintain an online community, and I will tell you, you do it as well as anyone I’ve ever seen.

And really, a shout out to all the other Lizards who watch each others back. It’s truly a community. And a good one.

Thanks again Charles.