
The Lessons of the Gosnell Case: Exactly the Opposite of the Right Wing Spin

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)4/15/2013 11:16:22 am PDT

Which is why there are so many people like Kermit Gosnell in places where women have easier access to abortion. Oh wait……. Seriously this is a load of shit. If you didn’t know anything about what was going on and just listened to the right wing noise machine, you’d think POTUS was personally giving Kermit Gosnell the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Weakening access to abortion is what allows people like Gosnell to operate. It’s pretty amazing how these people don’t want to hear one thing about anything involving guns but they’re gung fuckign ho to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies. Bastards.