
Sarah Palin Chimes in on Syria -- Proves Her Ignorance and Prejudice Once Again

Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)9/02/2013 11:47:36 am PDT

I’m certainly no saber-rattler. I don’t want us to insert ourselves in another ME quagmire. But even I understand how complicated this situation is, and how the use of chemical weapons is utterly disgusting and horrible, and if we can prevent it we should. How we should help, I just don’t know.

But…Palin’s high-school mean girl attitude is revolting. Revolting. Washing her hands of people who believe (or may not!) in another religion than herself is just hideous. Does she even understand what she’s saying? I mean, does she really understand? She’s said alot of nasty, mean, pointless things before. But this just cuts to the quick. Sickening.