
WaPo/ABC Poll: Most Americans Say Snowden Harmed US Security, Want Him Prosecuted

simoom1/03/2014 5:16:04 pm PST

An old AP interview w/ Greenwald where he was asked again about his “dead man’s switch” claim:

Asked about a so-called dead man’s pact, which Greenwald has said would allow several people to access Snowden’s trove of documents were anything to happen to him, Greenwald replied that “media descriptions of it have been overly simplistic.

“It’s not just a matter of, if he dies, things get released, it’s more nuanced than that,” he said. “It’s really just a way to protect himself against extremely rogue behavior on the part of the United States, by which I mean violent actions toward him, designed to end his life, and it’s just a way to ensure that nobody feels incentivized to do that.”

He declined to provide any more details about the pact or how it would work.

I’m still puzzled why Bart Gellman attributed the claim to “US Government Officials” when he must have known it originated with Greenwald. I suppose he may have just been doing Greenwald a solid, by leaving him out of it, since they’re now both back on Team Snowden. Actually, thinking back to Greenwald and Gellman’s twitter spat, back after the first Snowden articles where published, maybe it was actually a bit of a shot across the bow.