
Watch Live: Gov. Chris Christie Holds Press Conference

lawhawk3/28/2014 11:44:45 am PDT

Randy Maestro’s report has enough weasel words to say Gov. Christie had no knowledge of what happened. Of course, the same report also buries the not insignificant tidbit that the investigators couldn’t interview certain people central to the investigation because they refused to cooperate - namely Baroni, Kelly, Wildstein, and Stepien. Further, the Hoboken Mayor refused to cooperate namely because she saw it as a whitewash attempt to clear the governor.

Christie’s investigation isn’t worth the paper it’s written on, and I will simply wait for the federal and separate state criminal investigations before ruling out that the governor was out of the loop on this.

But for anyone to believe that Christie, a noted micromanager, was out of the loop and didn’t instigate this incident, would have to take a leap of logic that he’s either a bumbling fool, is way too trusting of his own hires, and/or that he hired a bunch of people who would go rogue in a heartbeat to further the governor’s agenda without him knowing it.

That speaks to his failure of judging the character and judgment of his underlings and appointees in sensitive nonpartisan positions. After all, Wildstein and Baroni were both top executives in the Port Authority, whose job is to provide transit/infrastructure benefits to the NYC metro area - including NJ facilities and bistate facilities. Instead, they used the agency to further a partisan political agenda against the mayor of a city within which one of the Port Authority facilities is located.