
Glenn Beck: The White House Correspondents Dinner Is Like Being "Raped"

Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing5/05/2014 5:19:43 pm PDT

I posted this at the bottom of the last thread, but it seems like it would be of interest, so I’m going to repost it here in this fresh thread. Apologies if that’s a no-no:

Someone on another site mentioned Yves Smith and Naked Capitalism, a site I haven’t visited in a long time because they seemed to go full moonbat at some point during Obama’s first term. Anyway, I sauntered back over there to take a look at how things are, and found this interesting article that might be worth a read:
How Milton Friedman Fomented the Barmy “Corporations Exist to Maximize Shareholder Value” Myth

I have always taken the “maximize shareholder value” line to be a given in publicly-traded companies, and often see it used in online comment arguments regarding unionization, worker protections, etc.

Anyway, some possible ammunition for future debates.

Disclaimer: I make no claims about the rest of the site and how it operates now. Smith’s post is based upon other sources, so it seems pretty straightforward.