
The Democrats' Political Suicide

EiMitch11/10/2014 4:53:32 pm PST

I don’t think this mid-term is a problem by itself. I think its just another sign amongst many of how complacent the democratic party has been for the past several years. The republican party had likewise been complacent up until the tea-party took over.

Don’t believe me? Then explain why democrats just resorted to nearly 100% mud-slinging instead of sticking their guns. As if you can compete with the crazies at motivating your base by demonizing your opponents. The re-election of Mr “I’ll break you like a boy if you ask me about my 20 indictments” Grimm perfectly illustrates how well that works.

The post-teabagger GOP’s agenda may be nuts, and they might not win every single battle. But they know what they’re doing. They’re motivated, or at least feigning motivation, to a degree that older career politicians can’t plausibly fake. And they’re willing to take big risks. (with our lives, mind you. But still…) In other words, they’re serious.

We need to counter them with a party thats also serious. And if you think today’s democrats are that party, then I’d like to sell you a solid gold bridge. I believe there needs to be somewhat-equivalent liberal movement to the tea party. Not necessarily an astroturf “grass-roots” campaign. But there does need to be a new wave. An out-with-the-old moment. A fresh crop of liberal politicians who are willing to take big risks during election seasons. And who aren’t trained to cringe and whimper the moment they’re accused of “socialism” or “class-warfare” or other antiquated emotionally-loaded phrases that predate the effing cold war.

I also hope that if such a movement were to happen, that they at least don’t deify the Clintons the way the teabaggers have deified Regan. But thats just me.