
Sunday Jam: Bill Laurance, "Money in the Desert"

secretslothbear4/10/2016 2:32:37 pm PDT

re: #5 goddamnedfrank

I tend to agree but the thing is popular vote determines the sense of mandate in the general election so I can see why it matters to a degree in the primaries too. My opinion is that State parties that run caucuses instead of primaries are disenfranchising their own members / citizens in order to play games during the convention, and if they want to compete nationally on an equal footing the power is in their hands to do so. Dismissing the popular vote only encourages this antiquated and inherently undemocratic practice.

Yeah, I’m all for killing off the caucus. As for primaries, I’m not sure if it’s better to keep them open or closed, but they should all be one or the other.