
WATCH LIVE: Hillary Clinton Responds to Donald Trump

Skip Intro6/22/2016 11:49:40 am PDT

The “Make America White Again” sign is down. Here’s what the person who put it up has to say about it. Not surprisingly he credits Donald Trump and Ann Coulter for making it all possible.

With its towering and massive stature, the billboard sign is difficult to ignore and its message comes across as authoritative and influential.

For these reasons we are confident that a widespread and creative billboard advertising game plan could go a long way toward making the Rick Tyler For Congress candidacy both viable and a force to be reckoned with. Clearly we are in uncharted waters, in that there has never been a candidacy like this in modern political history. Of great significance, as well, is the reality of the Trump phenomenon and the manner in which he has loosened up the overall spectrum of political discourse.

The Make America White Again billboard advertisement will cut to the very core and marrow of what plagues us as a nation. As Anne Coulter so effectively elucidates in her book, Adios America, the overhaul of America’s immigration law in the 1960’s has placed us on an inevitable course of demise and destruction. Yes the cunning globalist/Marxist social engineers have succeeded in destroying that great bulwark against statist tyranny the white American super majority. Without its expedited restoration little hope remains for the nation as a whole.