
Mini-Concert: Courtney Barnett Unplugged [VIDEO]

Targetpractice1/06/2019 9:03:31 pm PST

From downstairs:

re: #521 ObserverArt

And why? Because it always the Democrats that (fold) help out in the long run so they come to expect the saving but will still blame them for letting it get out of control.

And what is the reason for their anger with the Dems?

They didn’t (fold) help earlier.

Listen to the media. We have an example right above. Anderson Cooper and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Cooper can’t even breach the Department of Defense budget. That is unquestionable.

I heard two comments today on local political programs (NBC 4 and CBS 10 local).

And what did they say? Oh gee, now that we have a Democratic House we are already seeing they can’t work together. No compromise. We are sick of it. Bad Democrats.

We really need that media to turn on Trump. That would help…maybe.

They started in on the DNC back when the shutdown began, that first weekend they were discussing aloud how long it would be before the DNC acquiesced to Trump’s demands for wall funding. They’ve been helping the GOP along the way, such as saying aloud that the DNC needs to be looking at what they can get out of the GOP (ex: DACA extension) and bashing the leadership over the head for not making that offer. I saw the suggestion (granted, it was the Daily Caller) where they said that Trump should pull up the Gang of Eight agreement from 2013 and get the DNC to vote against it.

Think about it this way: The media were absolutely certain that the shutdown last January would hurt the DNC in the midterms, that voters would not want to experience that again and so would vote in Republicans to avoid further showdowns over petty shit like Trump’s wall. And there, the dynamic was totally turned around, with the DNC in the position of making demands and the GOP in the position of offering nothing little more than reopening the gov’t. Unless this shutdown truly does continue for the next 2 years, then most people are going to have forgotten about the specifics of it by next year.