
Video: The Arctic Icecap is Not 'Recovering'

Captain America 177610/19/2009 1:19:00 pm PDT

For every one of these Sinclair links that Charles is so kind to provide, I’ll gladly submit information refuting the pro AGW argument:

“A new paper, to be published in Science, confirms that glacial terminations are caused by Earth’s orbital cycles, not carbon dioxide.”

“A new study has confirmed the astronomical theory of the ice ages, but with a new twist: The shutoff of the meridional ocean circulation, or MOC, and an associated southward shift of tropical monsoon rain belts seems to play an integral role in the melting of glacial period ice sheets. These changes cause warming of the Southern Hemisphere and a rise in atmospheric CO2 levels, which in turn provides a positive feedback loop that helps drive glacial termination. This is why, every 100,000 years or so, the great Northern Hemisphere ice sheets collapse and glacial conditions give way to a warm interglacial period, such as the Holocene warming humanity is currently enjoying. This, however, does not support recent claims that global warming is causing the Southeast Asian monsoon to fail.”