
The 21st Century Know Nothing Party

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)9/13/2010 1:49:32 pm PDT

Science is strength for America. This nation has many strengths, but there is no doubt about it; the freedom of inquiry, of academia, the high education level, the long tradition of reverence for science is one of the major reasons we’ve been a superpower. Everything from our agricultural output to our military might, apple pie and guns, is dependent on our science research, and our exploitation of that research in the private market.

The GOP, by attacking science, over and over, are weakening America in ways no entitlement program, no stupid anti-smoking law, no bungled health care reform effort every could.

We have a huge advantage in technology and science. We are pissing it away. It is not given to us by god, but gained for us by the studious, underrewarded, incredibly difficult work of scientists.

And for their hard work, they are seeing themselves smeared, ignored, suspect, and ignored. We see the climatologists attacked by climate deniers, medical researchers attacked by radical pro-lifers, even goddamn geologists by young earth creationists.

Western civilization is science, tempered by civic concerns and Enlightenment ethics. It is not blind faith in those who say God speaks to them. It never was.

Speak up on behalf of scientists. Write to your congresspeople, no matter what party they are, to let them know you won’t stand for attacks on science and you want to see scientists defended. Educate yourself, and spread that knowledge. And don’t vote for any of the bastards attacking science and reason, be they panderers or be they sincere whackjobs.

There is nothing more critical for this nation.