
The Ludicrous Lies of Robert Spencer

Walter L. Newton10/18/2010 10:24:23 am PDT

Mr. Spencer has been using working like this for a number of years now…

In reality, neither Geller nor I ever made any alliances with Vlaams Belang or the EDL (nor did she invite EDL leaders to attend our 11 September rally, as Johnson claims).

That should not be taken as a repudiation of either group…

Here he is playing the other side of the coin…

“Robert, can you answer one simple question for me. This would help a lot in deciding what is really going on here. Which European political parties do you UNCONDITIONALLY condemn because of their proven ties to racist nationalism?” (Walter L. Newton email to Robert Spencer sent on Friday, November 07, 2008 1:16 PM)

And his answer…

“Actually, I am fighting jihad, and have no interest in or intention to investigate these groups. Insofar as they are fighting jihad, I applaud them. Insofar as they are doing anything else, my endorsement is not implied.” (Robert Spencer email answer to Walter L. Newton sent on Sat 11/8/2008 10:39 AM)

Of course, I’ve posted this email exchange numerous times on LGF, and each time, I will get an email from Mr. Spencer clarifying that the email from him doesn’t mean what I am claiming it means.

You read his current comment, and read the mails, and you decide.