
Wired Journalists Say Chat Transcripts Contain 'Nothing Newsworthy'

Usually refered to as anyways12/30/2010 2:32:25 pm PST

re: #5


Who supposedly treated Manning preferentially, and how?

How would the lack of any additional information support Greenwald’s position?

I’m confused …

Wasn’t it Lamo’s position that Manning had preferential treatment with a server setup just for him to upload the cables.
This is supposed to be where the Govt wants to build its case that Assange was a co- conspiritor.
The fact that the releases logs did not show what Lamo was claiming then the view was there would be more evidence in the 75% of the logs that had not been released.
If as wired state that there was no additional relevent info, then that would leave Lamo in the position of an unproveable opinion, which is that Assange had done anything ‘special’ and is therfore a co-conspiritor.