
The Siege of Planned Parenthood

Buck2/07/2011 11:15:47 am PST

Charles, I am sorry you have become so jaded and hating.

I can’t look into her heart and know her real motivation, BUT I can watch these videos and see what I see. I can hear what they are saying. It really doesn’t matter why she did the videos.

I really think the whole “edited video” automatically equals hoax thing is Media Matters invented. Every one edits the video for length and content. 60 Minutes have been doing it for years.

I am NOT pro life, I am pro choice. 100% dedicated to that.

These videos do not have to be about abortion. They are not exposing the fact that abortions are taking place. That is a given. Nothing on these videos is pointing to “no abortions for any woman anytime”.

However the videos do show a willingness to “for the sake of the child” make sure that even abused children get abortions. Even if it means sending them back in the horror they came from.

I think you need to step away from your tribe for a minute and try and see this.