
Onion: Congress Forgets How to Pass Laws

Killgore Trout2/07/2011 5:40:14 pm PST

More Comedy from Pam on the AOL Huffpo purchase….

This is another stunning victory for the uber left in the information battle space, in the war of ideas.

AOL has agreed to purchase that libelous, anti-semitic trash site, the Puff Ho, for $315 million dollars. I am shocked, but not. When the left loves you, the most ridiculous is impossible. This could never happen on the right. Yes, Salem bought Hot Air from Michelle Malkin for an undisclosed amount, but it was chump change next to this, and even they are licking their wounds. Monetizing these babies is well …….. tricky. But not for the Puff Ho.

What a scam. Huff Po claims to have “turned a profit” in 2010. Knowing what I know about the net, just barely, if that. Those clowns at AOL bought an idea. They are going to lose their shirt on this. Perhaps it was the 20 million uniques a month that conned them. But they have lost any semblance of “balance.” The Huff Po is rabid; is that the image AOL wants? I bet lots of rational, sane Americans will bail on AOL.