
Mike Huckabee on Bristol Palin's Pregnancy

theheat3/05/2011 2:06:49 pm PST

re: #6 moderatelyradicalliberal

Huckabee’s been a gosh-golly-gee-whiz-shucks ass in sheep’s clothing for quite some time. His bible-thumping perspective of course caters to Christians. White Christians. White Christian heterosexual males. White Christian heterosexual males yearning for a tidy pre-Darwin pre-EPA pre-ACLU pre-Civil War theocracy where we can all eat, live, breed, pray, and hunt witches squirrels as one big white Christian happy family… Just drink the Kool-Aid and hop on board.

That pretty much leaves the rest of us SOL. The rest of us being anyone who isn’t a white male bible thumping sonofabitch.