
Rick Santorum calls JFK a radical for believing in the separation of church and state

CuriousLurker3/16/2011 8:07:08 am PDT

re: #4 imp_62

Is this the official unveiling of the anti-Catholic narrative into the next election cycle? Why doesn’t someone finally stand up and connect all the dots: The “Tea Party”, the “Conservatives”, whatever moniker they are hiding behind, the Santorums, Palins, Bachmanns et al are simply the face and front of a nativist evangelical political movement aiming to introduce a political system which weds their religious values with government structures. This is becoming a war of faith.

QFT. An Evangelical “caliphate” has been their dream for decades. Now that they feel they’re within reach of finally achieving it, the pious mask they’ve been wearing all this time is going to slip off and reveal the face of naked lust for power fueled by fundamentalist religious extremism.

The GOP sold its proverbial soul to these people and are now beginning to realize what a bind they’ve gotten themselves all of us in.