
Looking To Hire Some Web Help

Interesting Times8/01/2011 5:18:15 pm PDT

re: #5 Rightwingconspirator

Oh yeah, but not entirely. Just looking to lift the text off that so it’s easily read.

My recommendation would be to lose the background as well, but since it seems you can’t (i.e. boss enamored of it), here’s a workaround:

- no “text islands”. Use a nice, continuous, white block instead, such that the pool background is only visible at the margins. That would make it far less intrusive. Something along the lines of this, perhaps.

- knock down the opacity of the background so it’s not quite so blatant. You could also put a gradient overlay on it so it gradually fades to a solid color (either white or pale blue)

As it is, it gives the site a very unfortunate late-’90s/Geocities look.