
Turek: We don't want a theocracy, we just want Christianity to be the law

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)9/24/2011 7:06:03 am PDT

re: #6 RogueOne

I believe the constitution says they (homosexuals) are entitled to equal protection under the law.


And people like Turek want to legislate fewer rights for homosexuals, because they want to base law off of religion.

We’ve had this argument before, the left wants to legislate behavior based on their determination of morality/health just like the right. Don’t pretend one side is better than the other strictly because one side uses Jesus as an argument.

I fully believe that you think this is true. However, you also believe that a store should be able to ban black people from shopping there, so your grasp of this topic is rather weak.

It is rather obviously true that the enormous amount of morality legislation from the right— from what days you can shop on to who you can have sex with to who can adopt to who can get married, to constrains on abortion to restrains on voting rights— that the religiously-motivated GOP are far more restrictive than the ‘left’, most of whose initiatives— like the CFC lightbulbs cited above— are for pragmatic reasons, not moral ones. They may be mistaken— in fact, they often are— but the majority of the legislation from the left on behavior is based on a concept of utilitarianism and pragmatism, not morality.