
Video: Sphere

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce1/02/2012 5:49:31 pm PST

re: #1 Petero1818

Way back a billion years ago, computer software came with exhaustive (and exhausting) printed manuals, often in 3-ring binders. They looked like this:
Image: aPN4x.jpg

Very often, at the end of a section would be a page which simply read:

This page intentionally left blank.

My ~8 year old self was amused and perplexed by this practice. The page isn’t blank! Why include a non-blank page pretending to be blank, whose only purpose was to reassure the reader that it was blank on purpose and not due to a printing error? Arrg.

I couldn’t tell if it was supposed to be a joke, or some kind of satirical commentary on bureaucracy (at age 8 I probably didn’t know the word ‘bureaucracy’, but I had been in the public school system for a number of years by that time and as such was very familiar with the idea of dumb rules that are only observed because they’re rules).

Anyway, all this is to say that your first post inviting someone else to make the first post reminded me of that. Never mind.