
Live Video: Mitt Romney Speaks at CPAC, Sharing Billing With White Nationalists

Lidane2/10/2012 10:10:50 am PST

This is both sad and hilarious:

Grand Soros—Murdoch Alliance Exposed at CPAC

Shona Darress has it on good information that George Soros, liberal financier, scourge of the right, quarterback of the no-huddle offensive against all that makes America great and holy—the Sultan of Slant, the Maharishi of Misinformation, the Big Bopper of Bias—is secretly controlling the flow of information at Fox News. This might come as a surprise to some of you, given Fox News’ fairly unambiguous vendetta against Soros and the progressive causes he helps support. But it is apparently the reality we must deal with, and Darress has the charts to prove it.