
PAC Formed to Promote Passage of Equal Rights Amendment

Simply Sarah5/07/2012 11:46:48 am PDT

Are they referring to passing a new version of the ERA or attempting to finalize ratification of the one Congress passed in 1972? I poked around a bit, but I couldn’t find anything clearly stating one way or another. If the latter, I have some major concerns because that would lead to a legal and Constitutional mess with a strong possibility of either the whole thing being struck down by the Supreme Court or some rather dangerous precedents being set.

If it means a new version, I can certainly get behind that, but I would want expanded language to cover additional groups. While I know that might not fly politically, I don’t like the idea of enumerating this kind of thing and not covering all of your bases, since I fear that could further weaken the broader interpretation of the 14th Amendment.