
The country of Israel was actually created peacefully.

Buck11/19/2012 11:38:43 am PST

To label what Jews did 66 years ago as the same as the terror of today is the worst sort of slander I can imagine.

Perhaps if you can find examples of buses, restaurants, grade schools and airlines being attacked by Jews IN LONDON, you might have a point.

Maybe you can find example of Jews firing rockets into civilian neighborhoods in LONDON.

Lacking that, you might want to think long and hard about the differences.

Of all the land lost to the Ottoman Empire and returned to the inhabitants of the Middle East, the arabs were given more than 90%. In 1922-1924 they agreed to the deal that included Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. However the Arabs wanted it all. They planned in public to steal the sliver that was returned to the Jews. The planned in public to steal it with ethnic cleansing.

No one would come to the rescue of these Jews as they were slaughtered.

They had to defend themselves.