
The Tea Party Exists Mainly Because Many Rural Whites Just Don't Like a Black Guy Being in Charge

Gus11/21/2013 8:15:40 pm PST

Here you go. A comment from the original article:

The PBJ reference was not actually about what kids eat for lunch. The comment was in reference to a teacher who used PBJ’s as a topic for a lesson. As a teacher - I know that a very commonly used writing assessment is writing a process piece describing how to make a PBJ. The assumption going in is that obviously everyone knows how to make a PBJ and can describe it. The problem is that this assumption just isn’t true - and assessing kids’ writing side by side, when one understands the topic and the other doesn’t understand it - gives a very biased result.

I work in a school with about a 95% middle and upper class white population. We also have an increasing population of student refugees from Somalia. I can say, with absolute certainty, that those kids would completely bomb that assessment - not because they cannot write, but because they would have zero concept of making a PB&J.

There’s nothing nefarious about this.