
Stephen Colbert to Glenn Greenwald: "Do You Believe There Should Be No Espionage?"

Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing5/13/2014 1:35:31 pm PDT

Hey gang, the Intercept is hiring! Polish off those resumes, familiarize yourself with paranoia, narcissism and encryption.

Also, editor John Cook explains why The Intercept hasn’t been pumping out the content at breakneck speed lately:

As I’ve mentioned before, if it seems as though things are a little slow around here, it’s only because we’ve been busy planning for the long-term future of the site while continuing to work through the Snowden materials. We’ve completed some of that planning and are ready to start staffing up The Intercept with editors and additional writers.

The positions we are hiring for are spelled out below. If you enjoy saying true things that make a lot of people angry, then you might want to consider applying. Send clips and rsums to

(my emphasis)

Aside: I really don’t get why their URL is Why not just easier to remember, shorter, and doesn’t look like someone doesn’t know how to point to a domain name.