
BLM Officer and Highway Patrolman Shot in Nevada County, CA by Suspected Right Wing Extremist

wrenchwench6/17/2014 12:51:10 pm PDT

Cole comments on a video of Ron Paul extolling the Americanism of secession.

Brent D. Cole via Google+
1 year ago

Supporting Ron Paul: The Supreme Court of The United States Ruled Unanimously:

“A state does not owe its origin to the government of the United States, in its highest or any of its branches. It was in existence before it. It derives its authority from the same pure and sacred source as itself, the voluntary and deliberate choice of the people.” (1793) Chisholm v Georgia, Dall 2, 440, 452

And a manifestolet on Google Plus:

Brent Cole
Shared publicly - Nov 19, 2012

If The People Will Loose The Mind Set That They Can Not Break Free.

The central banksters have conditioned the People to believe that they can not break the bonds that hold them: Just like the elephants except the People are held and “owned” only by the fake bonds the banksters issued using fraudulent debts.
Congress under the Articles of Confederation did not reconvene and authorize the change to the Republican Form of Government as required by the Articles of Confederation. In order for Congress to have done that, Congress would had to have convened under the Articles of Confederation by authority of the people in assembly on their respective counties, and voted unanimously to change the form of Government. This never happened. The purported establishment of the Constitution of the United States is therefore a nullity in Law which implemented the scheme devised by a foreign elite to usurp the legitimate government of America.
