
Cooking for Vegans and Other Horrible People: Hangover Food

Amory Blaine3/14/2015 1:26:20 pm PDT

Scott Walker in New Hampshire talks troop deployment to fight ISIS

In his first swing through the early primary state of New Hampshire since 2012, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker took a tough line Saturday against Islamic terrorism, laying out the possibility he would deploy troops to the Middle East if he were president.

“We need a commander in chief in this country who stands up once and for all and says our biggest threat is radical Islamic terrorism and we will do whatever it takes to weed that out anywhere in the world,” Walker told a group of GOP activists at Concord High School.

“We need a president who will do whatever it takes, whatever it takes. Who understands we have an ally in Israel and we should start acting like it. Who understands that radical Islamic terrorism is like a virus and if you don’t take it out entirely, it’s like a virus in your computer that will keep coming back.

“And I don’t know about all of you, but I’d rather take the fight to them than wait till it comes to us on American soil.”