
Marco Rubio: Close Down All the Places

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/20/2015 11:44:44 am PST

re: #68 The Ghost of What Plants Crave

Their ideology has not been hijacked.

The purposefully drew in these interest groups that are now taking over the party: the Southern Strategy, wooing the Religious Right, stoking the Tea Party paranoia. They have and continue indulge the press that has exacerbated these fears with yellow journalism; heck, supposedly “reasonable” conservatives like Mr. Goldberg have happily provided pseudo-intellectual cover for reactionaries, and also create the talking points and mythology the latter uses.

At each turn, the US right has made a choice to keep this voter bloc—THE dependable bloc—-sated. They still are.

Oh we absolutely agree, I am just saying that’s what the moderates delude themselves about. I see it here. And you’re right, “reasonable” guys like Jonah have been part of the problem for years. I haven’t forgotten and nor will I forgive him likening liberalism to fascism.