
Texas Gov. Abbott Wants to Amend the Constitution to Override US Laws and Supreme Court Rulings

wrenchwench1/08/2016 1:12:17 pm PST


But there’s one problem: Your 4x4 is in the shop and you need a ride to the compound’s remote address, preferably with a fellow Three Percenter, a term militia types use to compare themselves to the supposed three percent of colonists who fought the British during the Revolutionary War.

Thankfully, supporters of Bundy’s group, Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, have created the “Oregon Militia Standoff - Rideshare” Facebook page, which is sort of like Lyft for right-wing loons.


One woman in Tucson asked what she could do to aid the cause. Another answered her, writing that supplies were being collected. But when a wag snarkily commented “Snacks!” in the same string, his post was deleted by the page’s administrator.
