
Saturday Night Acoustic Excellence: Mike Dawes, "Overload"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷8/14/2016 2:54:54 am PDT

re: #62 Nyet

Tweeted from one Mark Ames:

Liberal race eugenics on genetically barbaric eastern Slavs—this 2016 campaign is a proud one for the ages

That doesn’t even make any sense.

Liberal: I understand that.
Race eugenics: The only “race eugenics” I am aware of was put forth by conservatives in the USA and Nazi Germany. (There is a Nazi propaganda poster touting eugenics and praising the USA.)
Genetically-barbaric eastern Slavs: I wasn’t aware barbarism (like Dixie slavery) was genetic. As for eastern Slavs, I live in western Nebraska. (I guess you could call that very eastern Wyoming.)