
Stephen Colbert: The President Is a Racist Horny Old Burger Goblin

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam7/25/2018 6:22:52 am PDT

re: #64 Lupin

I think you’re entirely correct. In politics being credulous is no excuse; frankly, I hope some people (including in the media) think very hard about their credulity in believing any of the codswallop Trump has spouted.

Several people who are familiar with Trump keep warning DC journalists to stop treating Trump like just another politician. He is not. He is Trump, a complete narcissist who has no concept of normal behavior as a human being. His connection with the truth is non-existent. He says what suits him at the moment. It’s not that he lies, as politicians can do. It’s that he doesn’t *know* what is true, and/or doesn’t care. He’s a sociopath. To him, suggesting that the woman be paid off for his adultery is no different from saying how nice the weather is today or how about them Mets?

Trump needs to be removed from office, because is he unfit. He is unfit to be a free man, and needs to be under lock and key. But no one has the courage or the willingness to invoke the 25th amendment or to proceed with impeachment, even as he becomes increasingly more dictatorial and more unhinged.