
Sheryl Crow and Jason Isbell: "Everything Is Broken"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/21/2019 1:55:29 pm PDT

The Company You Keep (Goes to the National Review, June 11, 2007)

This article is by Linda Chavez, former Ronald Reagan cabinet member who was forced to resign from the Reagan Administration after John Tanton’s writings were discovered, showing the true purpose of his racist organisation FAIR, of which she was a member of the board. When nominated for Secretary of Labor by GHW Bush, she was forced to withdraw when it became known she’d employed undocumented immigrants.

She writes a long-winded article trying to show how she was duped by the purposes of FAIR, and that fellow conservatives should not fall for the racist and eugenics crap Tanton’s groups sell.

She lays out the connexions between the various groups and GOP politicians back in the Eighties. (She also tries to both-siderise it by claiming liberals were also engaging in anti-immigration rhetoric, in other words, she is a conservative so she lied.)

The link to the Editor’s Response at the National Review is broken.

Conservatives haven’t suddenly come to a racist position under Trump. They were serving in Reagan’s cabinet, and even after exposed, GW Bush tried to put them on his.