
Colbert on Idiotic Rep. Matt Gaetz: Forced to Self-Quarantine on Air Force One With President Trump on Board

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))3/10/2020 12:17:47 pm PDT

re: #61 William Lewis

Thst and mixing coke and fanta were my na favorites the times I was sent to Germany. The one brewery near the post made a great spetzie (spelling? Been a while…) that i would buy by the rack.

ah yes, the Spezi, a WSJ journalist friend here did an article about it even…

Germans Love Spezi, the ‘Swamp Juice’ Soda. Will Anyone Else?

However, connoisseurs tell me that the cola and Fanta should be mixed fresh as they tend to interact and go flat if left together.