
Percussion Virtuosity: Larnell Lewis, "The Forgotten Ones"

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire2/07/2022 6:55:23 am PST

re: #39 Shropshire Slasher

Continued complete lack of leadership in Canada.


Trudeau says he won’t be intimidated while in hiding, utterly incompetent.

It’s the Post. Just another Murdock owned rag dedicated to destroying Democracy. This entire mess could have bee avoided if Mayor Watson had wanted to. But he didn’t. Then we have good ol’ Ford who refused to do anything at all as well. Because again, he didn’t want to. In fact both of them SUPPORTED this occupation until it turned into a P.R. nightmare for them. And in true conservative manner, are now trying to blame a Liberal Federal Government for their inaction and failure.