
Overnight Open Thread

capitalist piglet2/16/2009 12:12:26 am PST

re: #49 nigella

O.K. Because I disagreed with something Charles said, I threw a “tantrum.” Just go back and read what I wrote. If that is a tantrum, I guess no one is allowed to say anything here. I know how privileged we are to be able to come here and express our ideas. If that is throwing a tantrum then I guess I don’t understand the whole idea of this blog .I thought it was supposed to be a place to find and discuss ideas other than the MSM feeds us. I guess I was wrong.

I don’t understand why adults have so much difficulty with pulled posts.

I’m here with the understanding that anything I say - no matter how acceptable I might think it is - could be removed by the owner, and that is his right.

If I were you, I’d accept that as I have, be thankful you’re still here after as much complaining about it as you’ve done, and let it go.