
Politifact's Lie of the Year: 'Death Panels'

Randall Gross12/20/2009 11:22:52 am PST

re: #65 Sharmuta

Oh- I will totally stand up for Rowling’s inclusion. She’s gotten an entire generation of kids interested in reading and in books. Who else has ever, ever gotten kids to stand in line at midnight to buy a book? God bless her.

Not only that, her female characters are all strong, independent, intelligent women, and I think the influence this might have on both boys and girls in terms of feminist principles could be very interesting. I hope that Rowling, Hermione and Ginny all have a positive impact on how young men view women, and how young women view themselves. I think Rowling might have a much deeper impact on our culture than she could have ever possibly imagined.

I was going to say something similar, I grew up reading Tom Swift, and it helped me try to be one of the good guys.