
A Reply to David Frum

Summer Seale12/23/2009 10:38:34 am PST

re: #60 MKELLY

1) Your rights do come from society. I know people don’t like to hear this, but your “rights” are granted to you. It kinda sucks, but that’s the way life is. You have no real natural “rights” other than the ones that enlightened minds accept to give to each other. Go to North Korea and see what kind of “natural rights” they are endowed with. I personally find it distasteful in the extreme, and I do absolutely impose the natural rights I believe in on to other cultures, but that’s because I grew up thinking that way in a society which accepts this.

And yes, I do believe that I’m better than the dictatorship of North Korea because I do think this way. But I recognize that my rights can be taken away by a dictatorship anytime they wish in different circumstances. Sorry to say, but God doesn’t have any say in it whatsoever. That’s why we fight so hard for our rights - because we give them to ourselves based on what we think is right. Nobody else puts his hand in and gives them to us.

2) The big bang doesn’t contravene the laws of thermodynamics if you apply string theory and quantum theory to it on different levels with newly discovered equations which could, in effect, explain the whole thing with Membranes. Rather than spout off nonsense that you don’t even comprehend, maybe you should read up on discoveries made within the last few years, and theories which have been modeled to try to come up with actual solutions, even esoteric as they are, instead of just saying “God did it”. At least scientists and mathematicians are trying to explain what you just callously dismiss as “the work of God”. Don’t be a fucking idiot.

Please. =)