
Overnight Open Thread

NJDhockeyfan4/28/2010 5:09:08 am PDT

Looks like high taxes are unpopular in Gaza…

Palestinian faction warns of ‘explosion’ over Hamas taxes

GAZA CITY — A leftist Palestinian faction warned on Tuesday of an “explosion” if the Islamist Hamas movement continues collecting a raft of new taxes in its impoverished Gaza enclave.

The rare harsh criticism of the movement that has ruled Gaza since June 2007 came in response to new taxes that the Hamas-run government says are necessary to address a financial “crisis.”

“The pressure that Hamas forces are exerting in Gaza undermine the idea of improving the steadfastness of our people, who are already exhausted,” the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) said.

“The increase in pressure and burdens on our citizens in this miserable economic and social reality will give rise to problems and social maladies and will push the youth towards emigration.

“It may push society to rebel against these behaviours, but the explosion will be in the face of the perpetrators,” it said.

In recent weeks Hamas has started collecting taxes on a wide range of goods and services, including imposing a tax of up to 30 percent on cigarettes.