
GOP Front Group Runs Ad in Nevada Telling Latinos Not to Vote

Mostly sane, most of the time.10/18/2010 9:30:42 pm PDT

re: #47 goddamnedfrank

My daughter just made me take her to Goodwill looking for “80’s clothes” for a lip sync.

I kept telling her that most 80’s clothes were thrown away a long time ago, and no, Mom doesn’t have anything left, and no, you can’t look in the hope chest, that’s just my wedding dress and you can’t have that.

So we ended up there, and I was telling her what to look for: Shoulder seams way off the shoulder, etc.

The look I told her would be classic? Long satin shirt, buttoned up to the neck, leggings, jackets with shoulder pads.

And here we have…Janet Jackson, missing only a big bow in her hair.