
Mike Huckabee Says Obama 'Grew Up in Kenya'

lostlakehiker3/01/2011 2:33:27 pm PST

I recall an earlier post—-“I don’t like him. Never did.” Add another reason. Huckabee’s such a liar.

A birther has some little shreds of fact to go on. There isn’t the normal kind of paper trail that almost everybody has. No actual, physical, authenticated stamped birth certificate like almost everybody has to produce at various points in their life.

The point may escape them that Hawaii was different.

But a grow-upper? There aren’t any shreds of fact to go on. In the general public, which hardly knows that Kenya is in Africa, rather than some sort of interrogative opposite to whycaintcha, such ignorance can be written off as ignorance. But Huckabee has to know better. Obama’s got a paper trail in Hawaii, Indonesia, New York, etc. He just plain did NOT grow up in Kenya.

Huckabee’s lying.