
Astounding: FL Lt. Gov. Bashes Science and Evolution, Calls for Christian Theocracy

Scottish Dragon9/23/2011 11:14:37 am PDT

re: #59 chunkymonkey

And yet the fact remains that Christians “leading the country” does not a theocracy make. JFK was a Christian, IIRC. Was the USA a theocracy when he lead the country? President Obama is a Christian, is the USA a theocracy now while he is leading it?

The speaker did not call for the country to be a theocracy. How would one go about creating a Christian theocracy anyway? There’s no call to this in the NT, and where are the guidelines? There’s no equivalent in the NT to Sharia, so?

The guidelines are in Mosaic Law, which Christian theocrats hold as a template for a “reconstructed” Dominion.

Rude children and gay people get executed. Your daughter got raped? The rapist has to pay her bride price and marry her (I’m sure that is a hit with all the girls…).

You get the idea.

Farfetched? Sure. So was the idea of dending 6 million people to gas chambers. Committed religious zealots can do quite a bit of damage, and this country has an awful lot of them.