
Sen. Whitehouse's Must-See Climate Speech: We Ignore the Laws of Nature at Our Very Grave Peril

ausador10/24/2011 3:45:29 pm PDT

re: #65 allegro

This is very cool. The local ABC news is doing a piece on the major increase in people taking their banking business from BoA and Chase and opening credit union accounts who are seeing better than a 350% increase in new accounts. Most of the people moving their accounts are those making $75K and more, not just the po’ folk. A couple of people they interviewed stated a combination of #1, disgust for the big banks and #2, higher fees.

Perhaps OWS is making a difference.

I moved my accounts away from BOA last week and into a small local bank, still suffering from debit card withdrawal though, new one has not shown up yet (7-10 days sigh…).