
Gabrielle Giffords Launches Effort to Fight Gun Violence and the Pro-Gun Lobby

wrenchwench1/08/2013 12:26:59 pm PST

From the first link at the top:

Forget the boogeyman of big, bad government coming to dispossess you of your firearms. As a Western woman and a Persian Gulf War combat veteran who have exercised our Second Amendment rights, we don’t want to take away your guns any more than we want to give up the two guns we have locked in a safe at home. What we do want is what the majority of NRA members and other Americans want: responsible changes in our laws to require responsible gun ownership and reduce gun violence.

We saw from the NRA leadership’s defiant and unsympathetic response to the Newtown, Conn., massacre that winning even the most common-sense reforms will require a fight.


Emphasis added. And it will be totally ignored by wingnuts and Weasel Zippers commenters (who rank somewhere below wingnuts).