
Saturday Night Short: Efterklang - the Ghost

NJDhockeyfan4/06/2013 8:51:58 pm PDT

Ha ha ha!

#OpIsrael Backfires

Last week ago I wrote about #OpIsrael the “planned new cyber attack against Israel”. My article ended by noting that “there will be plenty of Israeli geeks looking forward to the challenge – and quite capable of coming out on top”. I also tweeted my article to one of the Iranian backed anti-Israel hacker groups I mentioned and to one of the Anonymous news services. #OpIsrael was tagged as well. So to the anti-Israel hackers, don’t say I didn’t warn you that #OpIsrael was a really bad idea.

Sure enough, as #OpIsrael got underway, the official #OpIsrael site,, was hacked and is now playing Hatikvah. The page was hacked by EhIsR and also contains a 20 point list of arguments in support of Israel (see below). Unlike the simply defacements that have typically targeted Israeli sites, this hack claims to have also destroyed all the data on the targeted server. This makes it a more serious attack, but in EhIsR’s defence, this was effectively an attack on an enemy infrastructure in a war like situation where as the attacks on NGOs and civilian infrastructure are more akin to targeting civilians.

EhIsR is not the only pro-Israel hacker, let’s call them Zionist Hackers, having a field day today. The Palestinian Authority’s Medical Service website was apparently also hacked, as was a commercial site in Egypt. A group called ‘Israel Elite Force’ claim to have taken down a range of sites in Pakistan. And the day is still young.

…The attacks against Israel are continuing too, but with lots of claims, few if any sites appear to actually be down. The attacks looks like they are either being stopped or very quickly reversed with little to no impact. So far #OpIsrael seems to be doing nothing more than stimulating Israel’s technology industry.

Epic FAIL :)