
Friday Afternoon Open

jroberson2/06/2009 1:38:54 pm PST

Ok, so evolution is an accepted fact, with a bevy of evidence to support it well beyond any respectable doubt. And I understand where Ann is coming from. She’s religious, she’s a creationist. I knew this about her years and years ago. This isn’t news to me. I’ve read her books, and I enjoyed them.

She’s loud, often obnoxious but she skewers the left with her sharp and hyperbolically witty remarks that bear a kernel of truth. I won’t throw her under the bus just because she’s a creationist and because I believe conservatives desperately need an injection of mainstream repectability. I won’t throw her under the bus because she’s often ‘annoying’ to the more sensitive of readers.

Sure one of her books was a waste, a retread of articles mostly found on the internet and her other older books. No big deal. But I can’t disagree with much she says about those that would dismantle this nation and institute some sort of EuroSocialist amoral cesspool. And I believe how she says what she says has more of an impact on her image then what she actually says IMO, and if she spoke with a more reserved tone and attitude, more people would find her agreeable.

Anyway, I think those that accept evolution yet believe God created anything (the earth, the ‘heavens’) are trying to enjoy both sides. Evolution is a demonstrable fact. Also demonstrable is the fact the earth wasn’t created by god, nor was the solar system, the Sun or anything else. Even the known universe can be shown to have evolved from the colliding of higher dimensional objects known as branes. We’ve seen planets and stars forming in cosmic nurseries, and have the pictures to prove it!

To me, people that cling to notion of a ‘god’ creating anything in the natural world are every bit as ignorant as any anti-Darwin creationist. You can’t have it both ways for convenience.