
Overnight Open Thread

Afrocity2/19/2009 5:59:31 am PST

re: #682 Ford_Prefect

Morning Afro. The issue I have with your statement about being pro-choice is that, much feminism, liberals have hijacked that as well. My wife claimed to be pro-choice until I started telling her what the “pro-choice’ crowd really stood for. The activist ‘pro-choicers’ are really pro-abortion. That doesn’t describe my wife and I doubt that would describe you.

Ford, abortions will happen whether they are legal or not. My mother made an appointment to abort me in 1970. Chicago was big in the abortion market. They will happen. I would prefer for the sake of womens health that they are done safely and not by backyard abortionists like they were before Roe V. Wade. There were also women would would kill themselves while attempting to puncture their womb with a coat hanger. I think abortion is a privacy issue and that is basically what the court said. I have never had one. I never will. But if I did I would go into it knowing that I was ending a life. The movie Vera Drake is a good one to watch as well as 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days a foreign film .