
Ron Paul!

FloridaAnole4/15/2009 7:28:55 pm PDT

re: #616 Jimmah

Reading various right-wing blogs today, it’s apparent that Glenn Beck is now being widely held up as a test of one’s ‘conservatism’. If you think he’s either a nut or an expoiter of nuts and a detriment to conservatives, then you’re not a conservative, in fact you’re most likely a ‘commie leftard moron’. This is a clear sign that there is something very, very wrong going on in the conservative world right now.

Why all this hoohah about Glen Beck? I mean, the guy’s an entertainer for catssake. Period. Exclamation Point He’s sort of a combination of Mort Sahl and the comedian Gallagher. I can’t believe that people are actually looking at him as a serious political leader. However, I think this is a sign of a conservative leaders being AWOL the last eight years, rather than a sign of something terribly wrong.