
Another Stealth Creationist Bill in Missouri

Hengineer2/19/2009 2:03:02 pm PST

re: #681 jcm

In science the “final answer” is rare. The Coldwater Labs elegant experiment definitively showing deoxyribonucleic acid as the genetic information carrier is the exception not the rule.

“I don’t know” isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength. Religion papers over “I don’t know” with “a miracle happen”. Science is driven by “I don’t know.”

A theory having a number of “I don’t knows” in it doesn’t invalidate a theory.

Gravity is a field rife with “I don’t knows” it still unknown, the actually mechanism that that allows bodies of mass to influence each other over distance. We know it does both through direct and indirect observation, we don’t know how, we have not observed the mechanism of gravity, just the result. Do you similarly dismiss gravity because we don’t know how it works?

Speaking as an engineer who studied calculus-based physics and calculus 1 through 3, Differential Equations, and have also read Stephen Hawkings’ book “A history of time”, Its not that scientific theories are invalid, just that they are incomplete.

Newton’s laws are valid, just incomplete considered the wide range of objects, particles, photos, etc… that behave in in their own way.

In natural human observance, Newton’s Laws were very valid, and worked for just about all cases that humans could deal with at the time. Then Einstein showed up…..